What is this thing?

I decided to start this blog as a way to capture my experiences as I travel around the U.S. and internationally over the coming year. Partly, this is how I’ll do some journaling and “reporting” on what I’m up to for my edification, and partly for you all to enjoy hearing some fun stories and seeing some beautiful photos. I’m also hoping to include some things that I’m reading / watching / listening to that I think are valuable. As you probably know, I like to recommend things (see below).

That said, if you have ideas for how to make this better (I’m very new to web design), or something you want to hear about, let me know!

Can I get your posts via email?

Sure can! There’s a “subscribe” box on the top right side of the page. Enter your email and you’ll get new posts, no need to check back pining for more of my ramblings ;). You can also follow along on Instagram.

But, why now?

The short / easy answer is: if not now, when?

The long answer takes me back to 2010, when I first started traveling on my own during the semester I spent abroad  in Hong Kong. During the many amazing trips that I took with friends, we always met fellow travelers who were taking extended time off from working to explore the world. This seemed so out of reach, but at the same time, so reasonable to do after working for a few years. This was deep into the recession, so there were lots of people I met who had left “cushy” jobs in finance, consulting, etc. to truly enjoy life and take on a new challenge.

At the end of my semester, I even challenged my future self to take those lessons learned and that desire with me into the future. Fast forward a couple of years, while working in investment banking and trading TED Talks with my friend Mary each day to discuss at dinner (we weren’t allowed to socialize during lunch). She sent me this one, which solidified the idea in my head that this was not only a cool idea, but something that I really should be doing. I’d recommend taking the time to watch it, it has truly changed my outlook on life.


As Stefan says in the TED Talk, the best way to plan for something like this is to pencil it in and start telling as many people about it as possible. This happened slowly, but began in earnest around October 2016 when I officially told my boss at Stella that I was going to leave the following summer. From then on, I was on the clock, and took the opportunity to really maximize my time with friends and family, and with the incredible city of New York.

What’s your plan?

Right now, not much is planned, and that’s going to be part of the challenge for me. I love to plan, put things on the calendar, and research new places to go. But, I know that by planning so much, I am missing out on a crucial part of living life as it comes, and making decisions as opportunities present themselves. Basically, I’m trying to let go a bit.

Broadly, though, I’m hoping to travel through a large chunk of the world. I spent the last two months in awe of the spectacular parks and cities that make up the Western U.S. (more on that to come), and am starting my international journey in Mexico. From there,  I’m hoping to spend time traveling around Central and South America, Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Japan, China, and India. Nothing is set in stone, but if you have been to some these regions, let me know – I’d love to pick your brain.

Check out my progress on the Route Map page.

How much is this gonna cost?

From reading and chatting with people who have done something similar, I’m aiming for ~$1,000 per month budget, but buffering a little more than that. As the anal retentive person I am, I’m hoping to keep a pretty solid tally of how much things cost and will report back on progress there. That said, this isn’t all that different from what life was like in NYC (rent aside). If it’s something that piques your interest, I’d be happy to chat about strategies I took for saving additional funds over the course of a few years.

3 Replies to “Welcome to my travel blog!

  1. Enjoy your adventure! Get prepared for a lot of super stories to tell your children and grandchildren in the future!

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